Downtown Pole Banner Sponsorship
Event Banner Campaigns
Experience Mount Vernon, in collaboration with the City of Mount Vernon, coordinates the downtown pole banner campaign program. This program offers non-profit* entities a means of advertising their events in Downtown Mount Vernon. Each campaign will require a separate application.
General Banner Guidelines - review thoroughly:
Event banners will be limited to five (5) banners, unless otherwise determined by the Aesthetics Committee;
Event banners will be installed on designated venue/event poles based on the venue;
The event must take place at one of the following venues: The Woodward Opera House, the Knox Memorial, Ariel-Foundation Park, or Public Square (Farmers Market only);
Event hosts must communicate with or collaborate with the Mount Vernon Arts Consortium (MVAC) in some way (ticketing, production, management, booking, etc.) and/or Experience Mount Vernon;
Event banner designs must be approved in advance of printing by the Aesthetics Committee;
Event banners will hang for ~6-8 weeks;
The fee for event pole banners will be $250, with the event host covering the additional cost of printing;
Banners should graphically and/or symbolically advertise a Downtown event only;
Advertised events must be open to the public;
Banners may not:
Promote promote political candidates, parties/issues, or identify any religion;
Recruit individuals to join an organization or group (including non-profit groups);
Advertise a business/organization or services offered.
Banner designs may be submitted through the online application (linked above) or emailed in .jpg, .png, or .pdf to director@experiencemv.org or texted to 740-393-1481.
Past Event Banner Examples
Seasonal Banner Sponsorship Packages
Platinum Sponsor (5 Sponsorships Available)
$1,125 for first year, $975 for subsequent years
Company logo displayed on five banners
Choose from: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter or Holiday, General Welcome, or Military Appreciation
Featured mention on social media and four Experience Mount Vernon Newsletters
Inclusion in the Downtown Beautification Partner directory
Platinum+ Sponsor (SOLD OUT FOR 2025)
$1,200 for first year, $1,050 for subsequent years
Company logo displayed on six banners
One of Each: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter or Holiday, General Welcome, and Military Appreciation
Featured mention on social media and six Experience Mount Vernon Newsletters
Inclusion in the Downtown Beautification Partner directory
Gold Sponsor
$750 for first year, $600 for subsequent years
Company logo displayed on three banners
Choose from: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter or Holiday, General Welcome, or Military Appreciation
Social media recognition (tagged posts) and thanked in three Experience Mount Vernon Newsletters
Silver Sponsor
$550 for first year, $400 for subsequent years
Company logo displayed on two banners
Choose from: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter or Holiday, General Welcome, or Military Appreciation
Social media recognition (tagged posts) and thanked in two Experience Mount Vernon Newsletters
Business Sponsor
$275 per banner per season for first year; $200 for subsequent years
Company logo or name displayed on banner of your choice
Choose from: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter or Holiday, General Welcome, or Military Appreciation
Mention in one Experience Mount Vernon Newsletter
Individual/Family Sponsor
$175 per banner per season for first year; $125 for subsequent years
Name displayed on banner of your choice
Choose from: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter or Holiday, General Welcome, or Military Appreciation
Non-Profit Sponsor (501(c)(3) organizations only)
$175 per banner per season for first year; $125 for subsequent years
Company logo or name displayed on banner of your choice
Choose from: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter or Holiday, General Welcome, or Military Appreciation
Mention in one Experience Mount Vernon Newsletter
Sponsorship Information For Individuals/Families & Non-Profit
$175 for first sponsorship; $125 for subsequent sponsorships
Name displayed on the military banner of your choice
You may choose to hang the banner for both Memorial Day and Veterans Day ($300) or choose one ($175).
Sponsorship Information For Businesses
$275 for first sponsorship; $200 for subsequent sponsorships
Name displayed on the military banner of your choice
You may choose to hang the banner for both Memorial Day and Veterans Day ($475) or choose one ($275).